Phalcon API ----------- We the creators of Phalcon, are mainly PHP programmers, we are lazy and do not want to deal 100% of the time with low-level details like segmentation faults or memory leaks. We believe that PHP language is incredible, and Phalcon is a contribution to all those things we do every day and it could be faster. Moreover we want a fast and stable framework. For this reason, we have created the Phalcon API. The use of this API helps us to write C code in a PHP style. We have developed a number of functions to help the programmer to write code more interoperable with PHP in an easier way. Phalcon API is based on the Zend API, but we have added more features to facilitate us the work. Phalcon is a very large project, frameworks need to be developed and improved every day, Phalcon API helps us write C code that is more stable and familiar to PHP developers. If you're a PHP developer maybe you don't know C or you don't want to learn C, but after reading this guide you will find the Phalcon API very familiar to your knowledge.