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General ConsiderationsΒΆ

Phalcon is a C extension for PHP developers. The way in which Phalcon is written is not the usual, if you compare the code of Phalcon with other C extensions you will see a considerable difference, this unusual way of write the extension has several objectives:

  • Provide a code that is closer to be understood by developers PHP
  • Create objects and components that act as close as possible to PHP objects
  • Avoid dealing with low-level issues, whenever possible
  • Help maintain a large base code like the Phalcon one

When writing code for Phalcon try to follow these guidelines:

  • Writing the code in a PHP style, this will help to PHP developers to introspect easily understanding the internals of PHP objects. Reflection
  • Help the Phalcon user to obtain more human backtraces.
  • Don’t repeat yourself, if PHP has a functionality already developed, why do not simply use it?